General information
Papers can be submitted to the XXV ENGEMA in one of the following categories:
– Scientific articles;.
– Academic Essays;.
– Reports on Management Practices;
– Scientific research.
For each of the categories, the submission can be made in the format of a full work or an expanded abstract. Also, at the time of submission, the author must select whether, in case of approval, he wants the work to be published in the annals in the same format submitted or only the structured abstract completed at the time of submission.
Also, the modality of presentation, in person or online, must be chosen. This option can be changed in the system by the person responsible for the submission until the last day of registration for authors (10/30) and must be in accordance with the type of registration of the author who will perform the presentation. After that date, it will no longer be possible to change the mode of presentation of the work.
Authors must check the following items before submission:
– The text must be protected against viruses through scanning with a duly updated antivirus;;
-The works must be sent for submission without any identification or indication of authorship in the “property” field and in the body of the work;;
– To register authorship in the system, the CPF number of all Brazilian authors is required (for foreign authors, the passport number);;
– Each author may submit to the event up to 3 (three) works in which he appears as author or co-author. Each work may have up to 5 (five) authors.
– Submit only one job at a time and only once each job;.
-Respect submission deadlines.
IMPORTANT: Check the theme area chosen for submission.
Carefully read the description of the topics and evaluate which one your article has the most adherence to. Your chance of approval will be higher that way.
Steps to submit your work via the Internet:
Author registration: It is important to update the data, as the last information registered is the one that will appear in the identification of the authorship of the work.
Registration of co-authors: The person responsible for the submission must link the other authors who will be registered in the system to the article. Before clicking the finish button, make sure that the names included in the article’s authorship are correct and in the desired order. Changes in authors will not be accepted after the work has been approved.
Register the work data in the following order:
– Thematic area;.
-Title of the job;.
-Information regarding the author(s): highest academic title, institution to which he/she belongs, complete postal address, e-mail and contact telephone number;.
– Structured summary (see details by modality);.
– Key words.
Job Categories
Academic articles
work format
– Paper format: A4;
– Font: Times New Roman/size 12;
– Spacing: simple, text arranged in a column;
– Alignment: justified;
– Margins: Upper: 3 cm; Bottom: 2cm; left: 3cm; right: 2 cm.
– Pagination: insert number of pages in the footer with alignment to the right side;
– Titles in capital letters and subtitles in lowercase letters;
– File format: PDF;
– The work must contain a maximum of 16 pages for full papers and 6 pages for expanded abstracts, including the text itself, illustrations and bibliographical references;
– Notes: should not be placed in the footer, but inserted as notes at the end of the text.
– Bibliographical references should be cited throughout the text according to the system (author-date), and presented in alphabetical order at the end of the work, in accordance with APA OR ABNT/NBR-6023 standards.
The text must begin with the title followed by the introduction. We suggest that authors prepare the expanded abstract in a separate document and copy and paste each item in the specific field upon submission.
Suggested structure of the work:
– Title
– Introduction
– Research Problem and Objective
– Theoretical foundation
– Discussion
– Conclusion
– Bibliographic references
Structured abstract (submission page):
When submitting the work, on the work submission page (stage 1), the structured abstract must be completed, which includes:
– Title (maximum 190 characters);
– Keywords (3 words);
– Introduction (maximum 600 characters);
– Research Problem and Objective (maximum 600 characters);
– Theoretical Foundation (maximum 600 characters);
– Discussion (maximum 600 characters);
– Conclusion (maximum 600 characters);
– Bibliographical References (maximum 600 characters).
Works that are not in the specified format will not be accepted.
Academic Essays
Work format:
– Paper format: A4;
– Font: Times New Roman/size 12;
– Spacing: simple, text arranged in a column;
– Alignment: justified;
– Margins: Upper: 3 cm; Bottom: 2cm; left: 3cm; right: 2 cm.
– Pagination: insert number of pages in the footer with alignment to the right side;
– Titles in capital letters and subtitles in lowercase letters;
– File format: PDF;
-The work must contain a maximum of 16 pages for full papers and 6 pages for expanded abstracts, including the text itself, illustrations and bibliographical references;
– Notes: should not be placed in the footer, but inserted as notes at the end of the text.
– Bibliographical references should be cited throughout the text according to the system (author-date), and presented in alphabetical order at the end of the work, in accordance with APA OR ABNT/NBR-6023 standards.
The text must begin with the title followed by the introduction. We suggest that authors prepare the structured abstract in a separate document and copy and paste each item in the specific field when submitting.
Suggested structure of the work:
– Title
– Abstract (maximum 200 words)
– Keywords (3 words)
– Introduction
– Rationale and Discussion
– Conclusion
– Bibliographic references
Structured abstract (submission page):
When submitting the work, on the work submission page (stage 1), the structured abstract must be completed, which includes:
– Title (maximum 190 characters);
– Keywords (3 words);
– Introduction (maximum 600 characters);
– Theoretical Foundation (maximum 600 characters);
– Discussion (maximum 600 characters);
– Conclusion (maximum 600 characters);
– Bibliographical References (maximum 600 characters).
Works that are not in the specified format will not be accepted.
Management Practice Reports
Working format:
– Paper format: A4;
– Font: Times New Roman/size 12;
– Spacing: simple, text arranged in a column;
– Alignment: justified;
– Margins: Upper: 3 cm; Bottom: 2cm; left: 3cm; right: 2 cm;
– Pagination: Insert the number of pages in the footer with alignment to the right side;
– Titles in capital letters and subtitles in lowercase letters;
– File format: PDF;
– The work must contain a maximum of 16 pages for full papers and 6 pages for expanded abstracts, including the text itself, illustrations and bibliographical references;
-Notes: should not be placed in the footer, but inserted as notes at the end of the text.
– Bibliographical references should be cited throughout the text according to the system (author-date), and presented in alphabetical order at the end of the work, in accordance with APA OR ABNT/NBR-6023 standards.
The text must begin with the title followed by the introduction. We suggest that authors prepare the structured abstract in a separate document and copy and paste each item in the specific field when submitting.
Suggested structure of the work:
– Introduction;
– Investigated Context;
– Diagnosis of the Problem-Situation;
– Proposed Intervention: mechanisms adopted to solve the problem;
– Obtained results: objective description of the results obtained in the organization, also highlighting the situational factors that may have affected this result in addition to the intervention;
– Technological-Social Contribution.
Structured abstract (submission page):
When submitting the article, on the work submission page (stage 1), the structured abstract must be completed, which includes:
– Title (maximum 190 characters);
– Keywords (3 words);
– Introduction (maximum 600 characters);
– Investigated context (maximum 600 characters);
– Diagnosis of the Situation-Problem (maximum 600 characters);
– Proposed Intervention (maximum 600 characters);
– Results obtained (maximum 600 characters);
– Technological-Social Contribution (maximum 600 characters).
More information (Article: Protocol for Preparing Technical Production Reports).
Works that are not in the specified format will not be accepted.
Scientific research
Job format:
– Paper format: A4;
– Font: Times New Roman/size 12;
– Spacing: simple, text arranged in a column;
– Alignment: justified;
– Margins: Upper: 3 cm; Bottom: 2cm; left: 3cm; right: 2 cm;
– Pagination: Insert the number of pages in the footer with alignment to the right side;
– Titles in capital letters and subtitles in lowercase letters;
– File format: PDF;
-The work must contain a maximum of 16 pages for full papers and 6 pages for expanded abstracts, including the text itself, illustrations and bibliographical references;
– Notes: should not be placed in the footer, but inserted as notes at the end of the text.
– Bibliographical references should be cited throughout the text according to the system (author-date), and presented in alphabetical order at the end of the work, in accordance with APA OR ABNT/NBR-6023 standards.
The text must begin with the title followed by the introduction. We suggest that authors prepare the structured abstract in a separate document and copy and paste each item in the specific field when submitting.
Suggested structure of the work:
– Introduction
– Research Problem and Objective
– Theoretical foundation
– Discussion
– Conclusion
– Bibliographic references
Structured abstract (submission page):
When submitting the work, on the work submission page (stage 1), the structured abstract must be completed, which includes:
– Title (maximum 190 characters);
– Keywords (3 words);
– Introduction (maximum 600 characters);
– Investigated context (maximum 600 characters);
– Diagnosis of the Situation-Problem (maximum 600 characters);
– Proposed Intervention (maximum 600 characters);
– Results obtained (maximum 600 characters);
– Technological-Social Contribution (maximum 600 characters).
Works that are not in the specified format will not be accepted.
Information about the evaluation process
The articles are evaluated by two referees, indicated by the theme leaders, in a blind review system.
- For Academic Articles, the following aspects will be considered in the evaluation:
- adhesion to the proposal of the event (elimination criterion);
- context in which the research is inserted;
- description of the “state-of-the-art” of the thematic literature;
- methodological rigor of the research;
- adequate and clear exposition of the results;
- mechanisms for discussion of results and conclusions, according to the objectives proposed in the article, and theoretical and empirical contributions to the subject;
- theoretical and empirical contributions to the theme.
For Scientific Initiation works, the same aspects will be considered, with consideration by the reviewers that it is an initial research work.
For Academic Essays, the following aspects are considered in the evaluation:
- adhesion to the proposal of the event (elimination criterion);
- adequate and clear exposition of the author’s ideas and points of view on a certain theme related to Sustainable Development, based on bibliographical research (it is not necessary to explore the theme exhaustively);
- originality in approach;
For Management Practices Reports (Technical or Technological Reports), the following points are considered in the evaluation:
- adhesion to the proposal of the event (elimination criterion);
- clear identification of the problem to be solved and the objective of the article;
- adequate and clear exposition of the results;
- mechanisms for discussion of results and conclusions, according to the objectives proposed in the article, and theoretical and empirical contributions to the subject;
- empirical contributions to the topic.